2010年6月17日 星期四

June 18, 2010 ( Favourite drinks )

Definitely not my day today

There just nothing is going on my way today, ever since I woke up.
Trying to help up a friend to make his web-site, and it just end up to piss him off, got a flat tire.....even took a wrong train on my way home.
God......... what have I done wrong??

But anyways, today I would like to introduce what I though were the best drink to have.

No. 10

Almond tea is one of my favourite, but many don't like its smell

No. 9

What is good about this which it makes many drinks taste better once we mix it with something else

No. 8

Not gonna miss this

No. 7

This too

No. 6

It actually kind of drink cools our body down, but it taste a bit like cough syrup

No. 5

Pinacolada........ I just like it so much especially on this brand

No. 4

I dun know how they make coffee so tasty in a can

No. 3

This went through many lonely night with me ( well.........only when I dun have any beer......HAHA)

No. 1

The best combination, if it comes with a hot dog Michigan!!!!

No. 1

I'm so addicted to it, couldn't believe this actually made out of ginger!!!!

These are drinks what I really like...........can't wait to drink it again

2010年6月15日 星期二

June 16, 2010 ( Models )

I am going to write a blog that will contain memories of my everyday life form now on.

This time I gonna post some 3D models were made by me..... I think it will give a idea of how my skill was imroved.

A very first model that I made, and she actaully had many parts I was not done it properly

It obviously dosen't look like me

A monster I made............ wasn't that great

Made by MUDBOX and 3Ds MAX, I like this one

Enough for today...................HAHA

2010年6月10日 星期四

Future canon game report

Future canon game report
from 2718 Po Shen


Since the computer technologies were getting more advances each every day, video games were also developed towards more capabilities and realistic, in another word, game developers were almost able to make a game from any ideas they could come out with.
Many were expecting this day to come in the early days, because there were many limitations to break trough at the time of its technologies, therefore, game could have extraordinary game play with really poor settings, in my point of view, a lot of ideas were great but simple in order to make the game interesting at that time.
For example, Donkey Kong was one of the most well known games even till now, and it did not success because of its fascinated story line or elegant graphics, on the contrary, it required player to practice their reflection and skills according to win the game, whereas, Packman, Puzzle Bubble and Tetris.
As the time passed, video game’s varieties was also having a significant boost which allowed game to involved with wider categories and genres, on the other hand, every generation had it different form of canon game, and the next generation canon game is what we are going to discuss at the following article.

Current trend

Despite the old fashion games such as puzzle, shooting and music which reached their peak in the 80’s and 90’s, RPG, FPS and strategy games had already became the trend now days, and the population of players were also fast growing.
For instance, Counter Strike was first release at year 1997, after several modified versions were published, and there still almost five hundred thousand people was playing this game, in my opinion, although these games had stabilized and grown their game population, it still could not reveal one of the most important potential gamers which were the non-professional players, however, games already became part of our daily life, but most of people could only spend very limited time to enjoy their favorite games without using their exhausted brain to think, therefore, games which involved too much skill and time consuming were not the best choice for many of us, at this point, internet social games became well known as Pet Society, FarmVille and PetVille.

My idea of future canon game

PetVille should be very close to what I imaged the future canon game will be, because it had nicer graphics compare to old face book games, and it was also easy to learn simple to control.

It just took two years to reach a game population of fifteen million world-wide, and these games were relatively lower budget but equivalently interactive even longer life cycle in compare to many triple A canon games, in my point of view, there were four reasons that PetVille is going to be the next generation canon game.
First of all, PetVille was a game which almost fully adapted from Pet Society, and there were 13.4 million people playing Pet Society which means it had 2.4 million players greater than World of war craft, therefore, Petville will able to attract most of players from Pet Society according to their 3d environments and characters.
Then, as I mentioned above, most of people who lived in the modern society didn’t have much time, energy and brain to spent on the game, on the other hand, PetVille provided a opportunity that could satisfy most people’s need which players were not necessary to find a save spot or to complete any mission before they log off instead players could just simply log on the game in anytime even anywhere, and the pet will accompany us without any complaining till we did had time to take care of them, therefore, we could even call this game “ handy”, because players were even able to play it during their working hour.
In addition, most of games were designed either for male or female, and that did made a game lost their potential players before the game even created.
One of the advantages of PetVille was the playability allowed both gender’s player to play this game, and this was also the main point that why I considered PetVille is going to be the future canon game.
At last but not least, the cost factor was a merit to develop this type of game, because game could make in lower budge and had a long life cycle which was every company wanted to see, according to this strength, companies could put more effort to improve a game which was already exist for awhile, therefore, games can have longer life, and it can also get upgraded even more frequently than now days.

In my point of view, PetVille is going to lead a brand new trend for our future games, not only because of player can get use to the game almost in no time but also the cost, graphics and the fact of players are actually raising a pet in a 3d simulating world which players also be fond of exploring, earning money even dress up our own pet, therefore, my idea of future canon game will be similar to game in 80’s or 90’s which has a simple idea, but it is going to have a very elegant graphic in the future.

The reason why I like PetVille

Ever since I played PetVille, I just couldn’t forget my pet’s naughty face, because it accompanied me through whether a normal day or a tough day of my life till now.
It is one of my best friends that never complains, and always stands by my side.

One of the funniest parts of this game should be the expressions of the pet, because these expressions were all depending on its mood, and sometime they got kind of emotional.
For example, they could get very cranky, if we didn’t feed them or didn’t take a shower for them.
The other thing I would also like to mention which was voice that they made, while they were eating, making friends or boring, therefore, it gave a feeling like it just right next to me.
Many of its movements were base from a real human or animals which was extremely realistic and cute.
For instance, it will make face, if we were kind of ignoring them, whereas, it will jump right on the screen which just like it is looking at us through the window, when we forgot about them.
Finally, there was much fancy stuff that we can purchase for them such as clothes, accessories or furniture, therefore, I love to decorate it and its house, and I was always trying to level up in order to get more rooms for my pet.

In conclusion, the whole purpose of this game was letting us to take care a pet without actually having a pet and player could also enjoy having in fun with their pet, experiencing pet’s emotions even to dressing them up, therefore, player will develop a stronger friendship with their pet.

PetVille gameplay

Petville is a social network game developed by Zynga which launched at Dec 17 2009, and it’s a fantasy and digital pet game that adapted many details from Pet Society, but reformed into a totally 3d game.
To play this game, at first player needs to know how to interact with their pet which by brushing them, feeding them and bring them to social can either increase the level or gain coins.

At beginning, players are required to create a character by using features that game provided, or can just simply press mix it up.
Once the game starts, there are 3 signs located at top right corner which is lighting- the energy to visit our friend, food bowl- if the pet is hungry, and soap is to determine if the pet still clean.

Then, a small gold coin sign which located at the top left screen shows how much pet coins we had.

At the top of the screen, the red bar is showing the level and experience points.

We can simply click at the cabbages according to clean it up, if place is too dirty, and we will get paid right after we finished cleaning.

If there are flies flying around the pet, which means we need to take a shower for them.

The soap is in the chest which is a button that located at middle left of the screen, and there is going be a window that has many tools showing on it.

To make some coins and experience points by using soap to rub pet’s body till the hygiene mark recovers to 100 percent.

There are many different kind of food, and some are does not last as long as the others, on the other hand, pet will run away only when player forgot to feed them, and if that happens, player have to pay a certain amount of coins to get it back.

The top right window is going to show a countdown, after we click on the food we want.

The ruby only shows after pet has done their meal, and the coins will be increase if we pick up the ruby.

Click at the global sign, and there is going to be a world window that allows player to buy many for their pet.

In clothing store, furniture store and hardware store which all have 3 floors for player to visit.

We can also earn some coins by clicking these bubbles.

Growing flower is also a way to make coins.

The length till the flower blossom depends on which seed that player is picking, therefore, player need to manage their time well in order to get the right type of flower.

We can earn experience point and coins by the same while we are growing the plant.

Just simply click at the image of our friend, and we can have interactive with them, on the other hand, coins can also be made by visiting our friend.

Even though this is a slow pacing game, but it has many things worth to give a try such as to interact with pet, to dress up the pet and to decorate its house, in my opinion, it is really a game that easy to understand, but takes time to complete it good, especially to collect items or to interact with other pet, and it did testes players. If they get enough patient and time to accumulate their coins also experiences.


To compare number of gamers between games in face book to many triple A games, and the result is going to shock us, because these web game usually has 3 times or 4 times more players than a big budget game, in my point of view, the trend has been changed towards some game that is more easy to pick up, but it needs to also have good graphics which can attract player to keep exploring.
The reason why the trend changing because of many non-gamers and non-professional gamers(not a hardcore gamer) also start to play games and that causes a suddenly boosting of the number of potential players, therefore, ever since the web games has began, and also brings more and more people to join the gaming community, in another words, that is also going to be where the main guideline of our future games.
According to above, PetVille is a game that just releases within not even an year, and it adapts many advantages from games which similar to it, therefore, Petville is a future canon game that is going to give a whole new direction for our future game development.